When Tad and Craig ran the first Excellent Party, they didn’t want to have a rule-heavy event. On the other hand, having some simple reminders wouldn’t hurt, either. Thus were born the Gentle Suggestions. Over the years, the Gentle Suggestions have worked reasonably well for us, though we do have to update them from time to time.
Fun — We’re all here to have fun, and we want everyone to have fun. Given the limits of time, space, and money, that means that we’re all going to have to share. We want you to have fun, and if there’s something that we can improve, by all means let us know. Please remember that others want to have fun too.
Courtesy — Barking Mad prides itself on the diversity of our attendees and their interests. We ask that you respect, and treat with courtesy, your fellow attendees, the convention staff, and the hotel staff. We’re not asking for Miss Manners, but a little courtesy is always appreciated.
Responsibility — We’re all adults here, and that means that each of us has the responsibilities of adults. The convention staff have responsibilities to all of the attendees, but the attendees have responsibilities as well. Please clean up after yourselves. When you’re done using the space, leave it ready for the next event. Outside of our function areas, the hotel’s amenities are for hotel guests only. Please remember the Golden Rule and Do The Right Thing.
Hygiene — It is your responsibility to take care of yourself. Make sure you get enough sleep (6 hours a day), meals (2 per day), fluids, and showers (one a day). While the con suite does provide a wide variety of snacks (both healthy and otherwise), it is not and can not be a substitute for regular meals. If you’re not feeling well, please Do The Right Thing.
Children — Barking Mad has always run family-friendly events. Unfortunately, Barking Mad can not provide child care or babysitting. If you have children with you, they are your responsibility, not ours. If you brought your children to the convention, then you have to watch them. Your children are welcome to join you in the function areas, but if they become disruptive, please Do The Right Thing.
With all of that in mind, please go forth and have an excellent weekend!
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