Firefly: The Game

Session One

Firefly: The Game (Beginners)

Saturday – August 31
Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm

This will be a short scenario to introduce the game to newcomers and beginners.

Session Two

Firefly: The Game (Nice Game)

Sunday – September 1
Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

This will be a full map, full rules scenario (TBD).

Session Three

Firefly: The Game (Mean Game)

Monday – September 2
Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

This will be a full map, full rules scenario (TBD).

Location: Events Room

Players: 3-6 Browncoats
Host: Craig Trader

Find a crew. Find a job. Keep flying.
Cross the ‘verse to complete jobs and get paid.

Craig will run an abbreviated teaching game Saturday morning for people who are interested in playing, but haven’t played F:TG before. Craig will also run two other full games during the weekend, for people who want the complete F:TG experience.

F:TG has been around for 10 years and it’s a BIG game, with more than a thousand cards representing jobs from 10 contacts, supplies (crew, gear) from 7 supply planets, and movement cards for 3 areas of the map (Alliance Space, Border Space, and Rim Space). Luckily there are a lot of guides available on Board Game Geek (you’ll need a free registration to view them).

  • Firefly: The Game Official FAQ v4.1 (2015)
  • How do you replace lost Cargo / Contraband / Passengers / Fugitives?
    Sometimes when you’re working a job, you may lose the things or people you’re being paid to transport, and without them, you can’t complete that job. Luckily your contacts aren’t really that picky about the source, so much as the quantity, so it’s possible to get replacements:
    • If you’re solid with Amnon Duul, you can load passengers and fugitives at Space Bazaar (Red Sun) for free, no limit.
    • If you’re solid with Fanty & Mingo, you can buy contraband at Beaumonde (Kālidāsa) for $400 each.
    • If you’re solid with Lord Harrow, you can buy cargo at Highgate (Blue Sun) for $300 each.
  • What do you do with extra Cargo / Contraband / Passengers / Fugitives?
    Sometimes you’ll end up with extra things and people that you don’t need (or don’t have space for in your ship) — how do you free up space?
    • Cargo and Contraband can be dropped at any time.
    • Passengers and Fugitives can be dropped off in any sector (does not need an action).
    • If you’re solid with Amnon Duul, you can sell Cargo ($600) and Contraband ($500) during a deal action.
    • If you’re solid with Badger, you can sell Cargo ($400) and Contraband ($700) during a deal action.
    • If you’re solid with Niska, you can sell Cargo ($400) and Contraband ($800) during a deal action.
    • If you’re solid with Patience, you can sell Cargo ($500) and Contraband ($600) during a deal action.

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